Rhythm: A Participation Essay

I crave the creative process of learning, and converting such knowledge into practice; a practice of what I do that is then taken by the individual and converted into his/her own authentic practice. This honors my own living methodology of gather, give, and grow (a rhythm honored in the intersection of my desire and my intent). My Desire & Intent is that you lovingly lead others to their own authentic confidence as you embrace the power of who you are and act on your Trueness.

The collision of the desire for you to embrace the power of who you are, and the intent for you to lovingly lead others to do the same, delivers me into the creative tension of how I do what I do. All I do flows through the creative and tense portal of my belief that I can encourage your confident Trueness. This is the energy of balance, my own unique rhythm. This is my Trueness acted upon. The tension is creative as I operate, holding the desire driving me out, and the intent drawing me forth.

“To rely on its own personal experience or knowledge would be a disaster for the butterfly. Instead it finds itself surrounded by voices of the past, of the other insects, of the wind and the rain and the leaves of the trees.” –Thomas Berry & Brian Swimme

What is Rhythm?
It was approximately 15 years into my management career when my manager’s boss made the unfortunate request. Somewhere along the way, and somehow within his less than logical manner with observation, he appreciated the way the team I was leading seemed to work well together; they certainly got good results and contributed positively to organizational outcomes. However, the unfortunate tone of his request, made to my manager’s peers, was in his word selection. In essence he said, “Tell your managers to be more like Jeff and build a good team like his.”

Such a command was not at all supportive of the relationship I desired with my peers. While the quality of his intention was lacking, the quality of his observation was good. My team was indeed excellent. The excellence was because the team was made up of committed, dedicated, and focused individuals. Naturally I felt I needed to respond to such feedback passed along to my peers. I simply shared with them what I knew as fact; the individuals in my care never heard me use the words team or teamwork. I had by that point seen those words used, overused, and misused for too often and too much for my level of buzzword tolerance. Instead, I gave my energy to building up each individual based on authenticity, what I now know as Trueness. I knew such a collective of individuals, focused together, would produce what should only be seen as outcomes: teamwork and being a team.

While I didn’t realize fully what I was doing back then in light of rhythm, I was conscious of the fact that I couldn’t help but encourage those in my care. Now I know encouragement as both the strength of my voice and the energy created by the rhythm given me. Rhythm is one’s unique methodology informing individual participation in the flow. Rhythm helps one feel, hear, and see Trueness (in self and others). Rhythm is the dance of human and divine. Rhythm is present and opens one to presence itself.

Although I wish I could remember precisely when and where, it really doesn’t matter how I came to my commitment to the individual. It may have begun with a basic belief grounded in the flow of the internal to the external. What I know is that it grew into a methodology of leading that made sense to me, at the deepest level. This commitment has allowed me abundant opportunity to live my rhythm, and to further ground my energy in something else I know; if an individual acts from Trueness−living her or his own rhythm−then this person is a leader. Our world so needs this leadership to come alive in each person, as much as individually possible for the collective good.

We must individually come to know the mystery of authentic integrity, not as something to be solved, but as something to be held, observed, and released into the flow of our Trueness. Now flowing, in authentic rhythm, integrity becomes the way your Trueness shows in the world. It takes great love to nurture and honor the internal to external flow.

“Even at the level of elementary particles we find this irreducible reality of the individual. The universe, in protecting the viability of an elementary particle, works to assure the particle of its place, of its role in the unfolding story.” –Berry & Swimme

Rhythm of Being
Commitment to one’s own Trueness begins the flow that unfolds into all productive, collective accountability. Trueness honors the uniqueness of each individual as the power to make the collective whole. It may seem that flow and rhythm are the same thing. They are, and they’re not. I speak of flow in the larger sense, that of which we are all a part. I speak of rhythm in a personal manner, that cadence within, given since the beginning, and key to knowing how we join the flow.

“Human being is not about an external command or a directive mandate, but about an internal destiny and constitutive identity. If we fail our identity and destiny, wouldn’t the result be human consequence rather than divine punishment?” –John Dominic Crossan

Working one-on-one with leaders, building individual confidence, has taught me much. These many individuals, through the generosity of their unique trust, opened me to what I’ve been teaching, and so desire to continue teaching, about rhythm. I teach about rhythm because I want the individual to know the journey makes sense, as it is traveled with conscious presence. I teach rhythm so the individual can be aware, focused, and loving on her/his journey, and in the larger cadence. I teach rhythm so the individual may lead in a needy world−leading from the authentic rhythm given since the beginning. I teach rhythm as a way to teach love−love for the individual’s work and love in his/her work−and how such love is profitable, not a business strategy but a way of living Trueness, embracing the larger cadence of the individual’s desire, intent, and resulting creative tension.

Rhythmic Impact
The Impact needed in this world must come from those who have learned to be then do. In any situation, ask yourself what you most desire. The substance of the matter−the truth you need−is right there with you. The substance is in who you are much more than in what you think you might need to do. Both be and do are important. If you feel the tension in the meeting of what you desire and what you intend, then you are standing in the right place. Your most powerful stand, as an individual, is not some future vision (although a necessary tool). Your stand is in the reality of the present. The 21st Century belongs to the aware, focused, and loving individual. A narrow focus, guided by desire, broadens intended impact and gives you a present place to stand. A focused individual has a method.

is Trueness practiced.

is in the flow of being to doing.

In too many organizations, of any kind, it doesn’t take long to observe behaviors of unhealthy competition, selfishness, and downright nasty interaction. We cannot focus properly on any larger collective mission when such energy is being wasted internally. It is the same for us as individuals. We cannot develop externally what we are not developing internally.

“When we operate from our essence life becomes drastically different. We find that ‘everything belongs’ (even the delusions of mind that brought us here!) and we learn to tune into the silence which we are, and there, is where we find personal peace. There is no agenda there, in this vast space, and the consciousness that you actually are. There is only truth.” –Mayra Porrata, TheFlourishingWay.com

When an individual is acting from the truth of Trueness, the path to impact is negotiated with the loving and mysterious movement of providence. In so many situations the pressure we feel is the shaping touch of a loving and providential hand. Change, one then another, assures we, as individuals, have ample opportunities for alterations, momentary modifications in doing which serve a transforming being.

Who one is since the beginning is already present, with colors and hues on an original palette, simply waiting to be stroked into present being by the dance and dialogue of artist and canvas.

The world needs us to come alive as individuals. The world needs our truth, our authentic confidence, and our love. Is your voice flowing in your work? Are you doing work in a way that frees the love represented in your voice? Trueness honors the uniqueness of each individual as the power to make the collective whole. When you finally commit to lead, influence, and serve from the rhythm of your Trueness, you can grasp the reality that there is no priority higher than that of your love.

Finally, a reference back to my rhythm of gather, give, and grow. I recently sent a message to a few valued clients, those for whom much work has been shared through many years. I was letting them know of both the value I hold for our relationship and that I was taking some time in the last part of the year to reflect a bit. Here is the response from one of them:

“I was happy to read that you were taking some time to reflect on what you have accomplished and where you’ve been. You have touched a lot of people over the years and no doubt helped them all. The tools of your trade are internal / interpersonal things like communication, faith, trust, experience, and things of that nature. They recharge and strengthen differently than technical, physical and vocational skills. I’d call it processing and composing, not time off. No doubt you’ll hit 2020 better than ever.” –Kevin

I remain grateful for both spirit and opportunity that seem to consistently roam the surface and depth of experience, assuring this individual particle of his place and role in the unfolding story. 


Berry, Thomas, and Swimme, Brian. The Universe Story: From the Primordial Flaring Forth to the Ecozoic Era –a Celebration of the Unfolding of the Cosmos. New York: Harper Collins, 2015. (pp. 42 & 52)

Brunson, Jeff. In the Middle with Trueness: The Transforming Resonance of a Leader. Ohio: Soul Publishing Group, 2017. (Chapter One & Seven)

Crossan, John Dominic. How to Read the Bible and Still Be a Christian: Struggling with Divine Violence from Genesis through Revelation. New York: Harper Collins, 2015. (p. 112)

Porrata, Mayra. TheFlourishingWay.com – Ohio: Copyright © 2019 Mayra Porrata, LLC. (Truth has no agenda. Post from August 29, 2019)

Sustenance: A Participation Essay

One by one the seeds of a false self die, each falling into the blessed soil of Trueness and sprouting forth into Universal Reality. Much of what comprises the false self (or ego, if you prefer) is from what we have experienced, and what we have experienced, in truth, serves valid purpose, if we but allow it to be so. If any part of this experienced self becomes bad, it is probably when the time to let go of some particular event or situation is past and one finds himself/herself holding on.

Life is full of crosses to bear, junctures of this and that; what once seemingly worked meeting the call of a new direction – one we most likely resist, at least at first introduction. For me personally, I find myself at a juncture of sorts, at the crossroads of love and presence. It’s a place where I’m being asked to consent to true compassion. What does this mean? What does this look like? Interestingly, it’s a compassion that begins with self.

I’m no youngster, and I am still learning daily about letting go. More and more I’m understanding that the reality of possibility can only become truth when I let go of each dead seed of the falseness that no longer serves the true self; allowing each seed to now draw from the richness of Trueness.

Holding Tender all that is Past
After completing the essay preceding this one, I sat for a bit to see if I might receive some vibe as to what should follow. For some reason sustenance was what came to me. As I began to write I found myself asking if this was about sustaining Trueness. Yes? No? Or just maybe? Yes, and not only about sustaining Trueness, but so much more: the last many months being very challenging to both my strength and my stamina as a physical, emotional, spiritual being. It has been difficult balancing energy required internally and externally during the transitions of the last few years.

As I worked on the introductory paragraphs to this essay, I sat in an old house where a friend named Cindy grew up, now a coffee shop. Looking out the shop window, I was vividly reminded that right in my view was the very small complex where BJ and I had our first apartment. I loved this little place, and I still love it. It seems almost unchanged in all these years, albeit very well maintained. Such a memory is somehow very sustaining, fact and feeling working together for the good of my spiritual strength and stamina.

BJ and I have been partners in everything we’ve been through. It is as important as ever that we continue this commitment to partnership and Trueness. It is also important to reestablish a sense of community for our individual selves and our part in serving the collective whole.

“Indeed, we cannot be truly ourselves in any adequate manner without all our companion beings throughout the Earth.” –Thomas Berry

A recent commitment has allowed me to work with some very pleasant individuals. One of them is a 25 year old man, husband, father of two boys and a girl on the way. Near the end of one particular workday, he and I were standing and talking together. He was sharing with me about his work schedule and how little time he felt he had with his beautiful wife and children. I listened, and then I shared the following: It all goes by very, very fast. Do the best you can to slow it all down by simply being as present as you can. If he can succeed even a little bit with such presence he will have very little to regret. He will be able to hold the past tenderly because he held as best he could the many opportunities of love and presence with conscious tenderness.

Allow me to reflect on what Trueness is:

Who one is since the beginning is already present, with colors and hues on an original palette, simply waiting to be stroked into present being by the dance and dialogue of artist and canvas.

In his intriguing book, Thank God for Evolution, Michael Dowd speaks about day language and night language. I realized how this seemed to equate to what I’ve long referred to in my writings as external and internal (day language/night language); or, the necessary balance of tangible and intangible.

In the soil of Trueness, the self finds the nourishing balance needed beyond the basics of survival and safety. One can truly know the why of all contemplation and each conscious action. For me personally, Trueness is what was given from the beginning. Trueness also must include all that has been a part of my evolution to this point. Nothing is lost. Everything is used.

“This way of perceiving is transformational and empowering. ‘The Universe can be trusted’ is a very useful belief. When I act as if all things work together for the good of those who love Reality and are called to serve a higher purpose, I love my life! What more could I want?” –Michael Dowd

Beyond the basics of survival and safety, what sustains you? For me, I know it’s Purpose; it always has been. Even way back when, after my first year out of the university, I was recruited into life insurance sales where I leveraged my propensity to study, combined what I learned with my desire to ‘sell purposefully’ to those who would become clients, and became the rookie of the year in that company’s territory. The why behind this drive of Purpose is the strength of my voice, Encouragement. To encourage  another is the one thing I cannot help but do when my voice is in flow. As I composed this essay I realized that the glue holding together purpose and strength is, for me, compassion.

I still hold a definition for contemplation I expressed in my book, Participation: It is compassion for oneself, and all, as one. My mom was a deeply compassionate spirit. She taught me early on how to have compassion for others. Moving back to my hometown after all these years, I am reminded of some of these relationships as a youngster. One in particular lived on a street I drive down quite often as I take a short cut to our house. Andy was a bit different than the normal young boy at the time. We were friends. I don’t remember a lot about what we used to do when we played together, but I do remember something after we entered high school and were both in the band. As freshmen, we were picked on by the older members. And because Andy was not like the rest, he was picked on by fellow freshmen. While I never succumbed to high school peer pressure with drugs, alcohol, or such, I sadly joined the picking on of Andy. I wish I could see him and apologize. With today’s technology and tools, maybe I can track him down and do just that. This possibility reminds me of the life-giving flow of: Forgive Everything; Everything Belongs; See the Unfolding. In the meantime, I will keep taking the short cut home down Andy’s old street and trust he has had a good life.

So, as I’ve worked through this essay on sustenance, I’ve given some practical and meaningful definition to what sustains me beyond the basics. It is super encouraging to me, at this time, to know that compassion has shown itself in the work I’ve made purposeful and in my presence with each individual with whom I’ve been blessed to work, and encourage. I suppose that Trueness has been at work for some time.

Again, Trueness: Who one is since the beginning is already present, with colors and hues on an original palette, simply waiting to be stroked into present being by the dance and dialogue of artist and canvas.

If this is indeed Trueness (night language), then how is it sustained practically and plainly (day language)?

Evolving; Moving Forward
At the time of this writing, we are only four months into this geographical transition back home. For reasons I’ll not go into here, the flow of business didn’t seem to make the transition with us; at least not very well. So I needed to make a decision: keep chasing transactions or step back for a time. I decided to step back. Based on where I am in life, and work, I dedicated the next six months to contemplating the work and what it is now asking of me.

Thankful I am to be reminded of not only how important Purpose is to me in my Trueness, but how it has practically worked for all my adult life. Don’t get me wrong, there were times of straying, conforming to the particular machine of the moment. I was never successful in truth during such times. The practicality of Purpose pulled me back, giving me ample opportunity to encourage others, furthering the realness of compassion.

So yes, I’ve set aside both time and energy for contemplating where I am now, who I am in this work, and who I yet want to be in doing what it is that I do. One of the realities of the work I’ve done thus far is that I will not in this lifetime know the consequent influence and/or impact my work has had on each individual. I’ve come to be at peace with this reality.

“I am now a sower of life I will not see with these eyes. And I am committing to creating a community of sowers who can let go and let our work and intentions and someday impact be received by all that is.”
–Dan Roller

As I contemplate where now I am, what this work now asks of me, I must bring into the process the trust and faith of the sower, whose actions are energized by Trueness, my unique art.

Trust the Mystery

The mystery of impact,
a paradox hard to hold,
being who I am
doing what I do,
to what end?

The answer held truly
by the one, herself
by the one, himself
read aloud in their own lives.

In the theater of my life,
I stand somewhere between
the second and final acts,
scenes replaying and lovingly teaching.

Youth now walks behind me,
but deserted me it has not.
Its diligence dutiful and due,
its design served adequately.

From the words of life & living,
a manuscript evolving,
my impact unfolding in the chapters,
written by others
finally by me being read.

And read I do
often and openly.
no longer hiding,
impact embracing,
the mystery holding,
the mystery holding me.


Berry, Thomas. Evening Thoughts: Reflecting on Earth as Sacred Community. San Francisco: Sierra Club, 2006. (p. 33)

Dowd, Michael. Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World. New York: Plume, 2009. (p. 58)

Roller, Dan. What I Choose to See Blog: Sower – June 24, 2019